Monday 31 August 2009

Random THoughts.

Halfway in my 2.5 week mini break.
Was feeling pretty lethargic in the past couple of days, doing absolutely nothing. But I'm excited for productive days, like tomorrow.
Tomorrow a friend and I are going to spend the latter part of our day, sitting at one of those hip little artsy coffee shops downtown, and apply to as many jobs as we can possibly find. I've already found one. potential sweet job. Will tell you about it after a decision has been made.

I have to make this quick because I'm about to leave my computer post, but. Even with the heat wave rolling in, 20 SOMETHINGS, DONT GET DISCOURAGED, or lethargic! I hate those days when I've been lounging on the couch for 4-5 hours watching Anthony Bourdain or Dog Whisperer marathons, and the one time i get up to use the rest room, I get a major head rush. No bueno.

SUre we're allowed to have that every now andthen, but when you're on your break ant least act like you are on one and do things outside of the home!

Okay this was a really crappy post, but I'll be back with something more interesting.


Tuesday 18 August 2009

living with the parentals

drank quite a bit last night and REALLY didnt feel like driving home. slept over @ eric's and left a message on mommy's phone saying that i "drank too much wine with the girls and didn't think that i should drive".
mom or dad didn't get mad or even call to yell at me.

mixed feelings.
had to lie about going out and being a responsible drinker.
22, living at home, and still having to worry about mommy and daddy getting mad at me for coming home late.
surprised that i didn't get shit from them.

oh, to live at hoome with the parentals in my 20 somethings.

Monday 3 August 2009

simple art

simon schubert makes these images by simply creasing paper

remind me to bake more.


Like a blind man who's just been given his sight back.

It's nearing the end of my internship here at the Getty, and there's so many things I've learned about myself and about the art world.

Today, I'd like to share one insight, and that is what to do with all of the contacts I've acquired.

I use the analogy of a blind man (me) who's just been given his sight, after never experiencing it before. Light feels like soemthing so foreign and so awesome that it alsmost becomes too much to bear and he would rather crawl back into the darkness of fear and insecurity. On a lesser degree, I've been given a lot of potentially valuable connections, but I'm not sure what to do with them. Sure, I've come to discover that we have a lot of mutual friends, but then comes the hard and arduous task of figuring out which contacts are more valuable than others. Becoming familiar with their personalities because you only really have one shot at making a good impression. Avoid writing empty emails, with empty promises filled with phrases like "Hey! We should have coffee some time!"

Anyway, I'm a little lost with all of these opportunities. Then there's the job search, then there's my second-priority personal life.

How to juggle all this....